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What would your life look like without chronic stress?

1:1 Coaching for stress and related conditions
You can live a life with challenges while feeling good in your mind and body.

What is your stress causing?

Chronic Stress is stored in our nervous system. A system that is connected to so many of our bodies unconscious and conscious processes. The negative effects of a dysregulated nervous system can show up in many ways. 

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Feeling depleated, uninspired, numb, and disconnected?

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Having trouble sleeping or getting quality rest?

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Chronic Pain

Having unexplained repeated pains in your body?

What is causing your stress?

There is a difference between our stress and our stressors. What causes each person's stress will be different and require individualized approaches to how we work together.

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Work & Education

Overwhelmed by unmeetable demands in work or education? Overworking, under appreciated, and pushing through?

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People & Relationships

Are there people in your life who create conditions that aren't good for your mental, physical, or emotional health?

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Thoughts, Beliefs, Habits

Are you a perfectionist, people pleaser, chronic worrier, or developed a negative sense of self?

How can I help?

Movement and somatic practices are the best solution research has found for treating chronic stress. If we can heal the stress and implement daily routines, the health problems related to your stress will also disappear.

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Manage Stress

Teaching you somatic practices that will complete your stress cycles and heal the stored chronic stress you have. Visit my learning page for a more thorough understanding of how that works.

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Build Sustainable Routines

I guide you on how to redesign your daily routines to include new practices that will help you manage your stress, solve your specific health conditions and support lifestyle needs.

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From Coping to Thriving

After establishing healthy practices, embrace your deeper desires, become who you want to be, and build the life you desire. Replace limiting beliefs with expansive ones.

Our Process Together

Discovery Session

Lets make sure we are a good fit! In this free session we will get clear on your desired outcomes and you can ask me anything about my process. Then we assess the best paths forward.

3 Months 1:1 Virtual Coaching

We will meet once a week for 3 months. Totaling 12 Sessions.

There are general guidelines I follow for my processes, but I determine the focuses based on your specific needs. You are guaranteed 12 sessions even if one or more weeks are unavailable.

Additional Resources

Weekly Restorative Class - Learn restorative practices for your mind and body to help manage stress levels and rest better. 

Direct Messaging Access - message me any time with questions or thoughts related to your goals. I will respond in a timely manor.

Homework Materials - Personalized assignments, reflective journaling, data gathering, and progress tracking worksheets, will help us refine our approach toward finding solutions.

Resources - Tools and educational materials that will help you better understand your challenges and how to stay motivated.

In-Person Bodywork - for those in the Philadelphia area, come and receive bodywork to further aid your restorative processes.

Ready to start?

Apply for a Discovery Session!

Not ready for the 3 month commitment?

Apply for a free coaching session!

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